Doctors warn young men and women to observe 3 points on their bodies to know immediately if they have “high blood fat”, which increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and kidney disease.
Dr. Chen Guanren, a cardiologist, revealed that from clinical data, about 1 in 3 people in general have high blood fat. And according to statistics, 70-80% of people with high cholesterol are due to genetics. Controlling it by adjusting diet. Exercising or controlling weight alone has a relatively low chance of reducing it to a normal level. It is necessary to rely mainly on medication.
Dr. Chen Guanren of Xinkong Hospital explained that people with high cholesterol can see some signs from the external appearance, the white ring around the cornea (Arcus Senilis). This ring is often found in the elderly over the age of 70 or in young people aged 20-30 with high cholesterol. It is caused by high blood fat accelerating the degeneration of blood vessels and eyes. But it does not affect vision. Some people may have better symptoms, but many will have permanent symptoms. It depends on each person and needs to be followed up in the long term. If a white ring is found in a young person, they should go for a health check immediately. Although it is rare, it has been reported in clinical practice.
The second characteristic is the symptoms of Xanthoma. Which are yellow spots, bumps or plaques that can appear anywhere on the ยูฟ่าเบท body and are yellow in color due to the carotenes found in fat. Xanthelasma palpebrarum, the most common type, is characterized by
yellow bumps on the eyelids, indicating too much cholesterol in the blood. When blood vessels can’t store fat, it accumulates on the skin, often in folds, such as around the eyes.
The third characteristic appears as lumps or fatty spots on different parts of the body. Xanthoma diffusum planum is most commonly found on the neck, shoulders, and armpits, while xanthoma intertriginosum may occur in the spaces between the fingers. Xanthoma palmare appears on the palmar surface.
Dr. Chen also said that these spots can be found on the joints of the fingers or on the heels where the skin is rough. They are generally painless and have a soft texture.
The basic method is to lower the cholesterol in the blood to reduce the occurrence of new yellow spots. As a temporary treatment, those who are concerned about their appearance may choose to have surgery to remove them. However, if the yellow spots are extensive, surgery may cause a lot of wounds. This treatment method is not recommended in most cases. The best way is to control the cholesterol to be low at least to prevent them from reoccurring.