Young man with arthritis, pain so bad he can’t even eat rice, doctor warns everyone about “popular vegetables”

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Suffering from arthritis, pain to the point of not being able to eat, shocked by the cause of “popular vegetables”, doctors warn 6 types of people to be careful!

Tomatoes, eggplants, and other vegetables are popular health foods and fruits because they are rich in vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. However, doctors point out that the solanine found in these vegetables can make some people feel unwell.

popular vegetables

Dr. Jiang Chousan, a Taiwanese doctor, said that he once saw a patient with rheumatoid arthritis in an outpatient clinic who was able to control and avoid attacks for three years by taking vitamin D and turmeric for a long time. But one time when the patient came to see the doctor, he said that he had a sudden onset of arthritis and was in severe pain. “The pain was so bad that he could hardly hold chopsticks!”

The doctor said that after asking about the man’s diet, he learned that he had recently eaten a large amount of eggplant bought at the ufabet market at one time, which caused severe arthritis . “This reminds me of animal studies that have found that eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes and other solanaceous plants can exacerbate arthritis symptoms,” he said.

Plants containing Solanaceus can aggravate the pain of people prone to arthritis, so the patient is advised to stop eating these foods. The patient is also warned that if he wants to eat potatoes, he must peel and cook them before eating. Later, when the patient returned for a follow-up, he said that the joint pain had disappeared and had not returned. Therefore,

In addition, Dr. Li Shixian also shared on his Facebook fan page that plants that look like tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, bell peppers, sweet peppers, etc. are very healthy vegetables and fruits to eat, but the solanine contained in these plants can cause some people to feel uncomfortable, so it is recommended that those who have the following symptoms “temporarily refrain” from eating them.

1. Ringworm
2. Hives
3. Respiratory symptoms
4. Arthritis
5. Autoimmune diseases
6. Intestinal inflammation