Elderly at risk of “Shingles”, doctors at Vimut Hospital warn against vaccination before severe symptoms and complications occur

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Elderly at risk of “Shingles”, doctors at Vimut Hospital warn against vaccination before severe symptoms and complications occur.

As we age, our bodies and immune systems deteriorate, making it easier for us to get sick. One of the most frightening diseases for people of this age is “shingles”. Which is caused by germs that hide in the body after we’ve had chickenpox. When our immune systems weaken, they can trigger an infection and become shingles. Causing burning pain, rashes, and blisters along the nerves.


What’s worrisome is the belief that if a shingles rash wraps around the body, it can cause death. Today, Dr. Baramee Ponglikitmongkol, a family medicine specialist at the Internal Medicine Center. Vimut Hospital will answer all your questions about shingles and talk about the importance of vaccination to keep elderly people with weak immune systems away from this disease.

“Shingles” is a dangerous disease that comes when the immune system is low.

Shingles is caused by infection with the Varicella zoster virus ( VZV), the same virus that causes chickenpox. When you have chickenpox, your body may not get rid of all the virus. Causing some of it to hide in nerve nodes. When the body’s immune system is weakened, it can trigger shingles. In addition, shingles can be spread by touching or breathing in droplets from the blisters of an infected person. If you are infected and have never had chickenpox, you will get chickenpox first.

Examining risk factors for “shingles”

People who have chickenpox can get shingles when their bodies are weak. It is usually found in people aged 50-60 years and above or in groups with low immunity, such as cancer patients, HIV, chronic diseases, diabetes, chronic kidney disease or patients with underlying diseases that require taking immunosuppressive drugs and autoimmune diseases. They are groups that are more at risk of getting shingles than the general population.

“Shingles” that wraps around the คาสิโนออนไลน์ UFABET ฝากถอนรวดเร็ว เริ่มต้นเล่นง่าย body does not kill, but the symptoms are more severe than usual.

People who initially get shingles will experience burning pain, itching on the skin, fever, a rash, red bumps arranged in groups or along a long line along a nerve. Then they will turn into clear blisters similar to chickenpox. The most common locations are on the body and face. It takes about 7-10 days for the blisters to burst and dry up on their own. It will take about 2-4 weeks to fully recover. Dr. Baramee Ponglikitmongkol explained further, “ 

After recovering, some patients may experience complications. Which are common in the elderly, such as pain along the nerves where the rash or blisters appear, bacterial skin infections, or shingles in the eyes, which causes abnormalities in the eyes and vision. 

Many people have heard that if shingles wraps around the body, it will cause death, which is not true. Most people who die are caused by complications . Shingles usually only appears on one side of the body, but it is possible for both sides to appear simultaneously in people with very low immunity, making the symptoms more severe than in the general elderly.”

“Shingles” can be treated by seeing a doctor. Don’t buy medicine and use it yourself. You risk infection.

Diagnosis of shingles can be made from a medical history and a preliminary physical examination, which is more than 50% accurate. In cases where confirmation is needed, the doctor may order additional laboratory tests. Such as blister puncture or cell scraping, to diagnose abnormalities in cells caused by viral infection. Dr. Baramee Ponglikitmongkol talked about the treatment, saying, ” Treatment will be considered according to the duration of the disease.

If it is still within the first 72 hours after the onset of symptoms, antiviral drugs can be given to help reduce the severity, duration of treatment, and spread of the infection. If this period has passed, the doctor will consider prescribing medication based on the symptoms. Such as painkillers or anti-itch medications. However, the elderly and those with low immunity should avoid buying medicine to take themselves or applying herbal medicine to the wound. As this may increase the risk of secondary infection. In addition, I would like you to get vaccinated because it helps prevent this disease well.”

Doctors say vaccine can prevent shingles by 90%

Shingles prevention is easy by strengthening the immune system. Start by eating nutritious food, getting enough rest, exercising regularly, and avoiding contact or being close to people with shingles. The most important thing is to get 2 doses of the shingles vaccine ( Shingrix). Which the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that people aged 50 and over, people with low immunity, and people with compromised immune systems get vaccinated to prevent complications.

“ The 2 doses of the Shingrix vaccine can prevent the disease and nerve pain after shingles by more than 90%. Covering the burning pain, burning pain in the nerve nodes, reducing the severity of the disease and the chance of recurrence. The second dose should be given 2-6 months after the first dose. There may be side effects such as swelling, redness in the arm where the injection was given, fever, fatigue, and body aches. But these will not last more than 2 days,” explained Dr. Baramee Ponglikitmongkol.

“Although shingles is a disease that can heal on its own if our bodies are already strong, people who are older or have weak immune systems may need to take extra care of their bodies. Most importantly, don’t forget to get vaccinated to prevent and reduce the severity of the disease. In addition, you should always observe for any abnormalities in your body.

If you have burning pain or symptoms that are consistent with shingles, see a doctor immediately for treatment before the symptoms spread and cause complications,” concluded Dr. Baramee Ponglikitmongkol .

Those interested in consulting a doctor at Vimut Hospital can inquire for more details and make an appointment at the Internal Medicine Center, 3rd floor, Vimut Hospital, business hours 7:00 a.m. – 12:00 midnight, call 0-2079-0030 or download the ViMUT Application to make an appointment or use the online doctor consultation service.